It's Time To Step Up Your Leadership!

As our workplaces evolve, becoming more diverse, flexible, and virtual, great leadership is more important than ever before.  The World Economic Forum predicts that 42% of current core skills will be outdated by 2022, and that, ‘Emotional Intelligence, leadership, and social influence will see an outsized increase in demand.’


Whether you're a new manager, have been leading for a while, or about to step into a managerial role, it's vital that you understand Emotional Intelligence (EI) and how you can improve relationships in the workplace.

Designed for managers old and new short course will help you understand why EI matters in the workplace and identify the steps you can take to take your EI to the next level.

Tracy-Anne has over 30 years leading teams and knows just what you need to help step up your EI.

At the end of the course you will have the tools and techniques to help YOU make progress! 

In this course you will discover:

The tools and techniques to understand why EI matters in the workplace.
How your emotions impact others and your environment.
The competences that underpin EI.
What you can do next to step up your own EI and
successfully support others in your team. 

You WILL gain:

Confidence and understanding about EI, recognising emotions in yourself and your team.

SO THAT you can deal with change that comes your way, helping you inspire yourself and your team.

You WILL gain:  

Understanding of the core competences required to elevate your EI for yourself and your team.

SO THAT you can handle those tough conversations and have the right skills to find a resolution.

You WILL gain:

The knowledge, hints and tips to take practical action and develop your EI skills in the workplace.

SO THAT you can create a better environment for great team work.  Emotionally Intelligent teams work better!

Emotional Intelligence


One-time fee, £ including VAT

  • Short course on demand at your own pace
  • Practical tips and hints
  • Worksheets and activities to build your management development library 

 "The course was delivered in an easy to understand way, with time to reflect upon afterwards. The ideas were very interesting. I scored the session as Excellent".       

Chris, Manager

 "It was very useful content, the session and pace was excellent. I recommend the course"

Shauna, Charity Director

 "Very good course. From the outside looking at a managers role it can be a bit daunting as the role is vast, however, this course has served well to demystify a lot of it for me. It was interesting learning about the techniques covered. There were areas that can help with how I work currently and things for the future".

Luke, Trainee Manager